
The church is a house of God. It is a light to the world and a home to the faithful in which they pray to God and are educated about their faith. It is a place where God is present, and where people offer Him the greatest honor they possible can.
On entering Annunciation Church one is affected by the whole atmosphere of the Church. The Height of the ceiling and high altar help to raise one's mind and heart to God. One becomes more in tune with the vertical and finds it easier to pray. One knows this is a holy place - a House of God, the Gate to Heave. (Gen 28:17)
Annunciation Church faces towards the east. Traditionally, Mass was celebrated with the priest and people facing the same direction- east, in expectation of the Lord's coming again. "As lightening comes from the east, so will the son of man appear." Mt. 24:27
The design of the sanctuary in Annunciation Church, Kiln, Mississippi, has its origin in heaven. A vision of heaven is described by the prophet Ezekiel and in the Book of Revelation. The apostle, John, also had a vision of heaven.
"I had another vision: above me there was an open door to heaven." Rev 4:1
Our Mission
Our mission is to be fully devoted to Jesus by opening our arms to those in search of the truth. We show God’s love and concern for our fellow person at every opportunity.
Annunciation Catholic Church
5370 Kiln-DeLisle Road, Kiln, MS 39556
(228) 255-1800
Office Hours: 8:30am until 12:30pm
Rev. Chinnappa R Mark, H.G.N